Pottoman 2.0

Using Jeff's beautiful and innovative Pottoman as a template, I am building Pottoman 2.0 with simpler insides. It's the latest iteration of the "Pondering Pooping" Saga.

This time solids & liquids go into one container.

3.5 gallon bucket with a Gamma Seal lid to keep smells contained.

Room for necessities inside.

Reusing the beautifully routed top flaps Jeff made.

It all fits perfectly.

I decided to use magnets to hold the lid onto the new Pottoman, instead of the awkward clasps. The clasps took too much time to undo and I kept scraping my legs on them. Now it takes a decent amount of force to pry the lid off.


  • I'll caulk/seal all the inner edges, then waterproof the entire inside.

  • I'll sand and seal the outside of the Pottoman 2.0.

  • I'll attach the DIY Lagun table holder to the side.

  • Eventually, I'll get some foam, batting and material to make a cushion for the top of the lid.

Caulking the seams.

Coat #1.

Keeping a lookout for peeing dogs while it dries.

Coat #2. The sun finally came out to help the drying process.

Sealed on all sides. Now it's all got to cure for the next 24-48 hours.

All sealed and reassembled. ;-)